L: Paraguay Wildfire, M: Brazil opportunistic encroachment, R: Paraguay state organised deforestation

Who can read these patterns? We spend a lot of time studying deforestation through data layers from satellite imagery.

As you can see, the different patterns reveal a lot about the dynamics in certain areas. These are a few examples from the Paraguay-Bolivia-Brazil region. Every image shows an area approx. 150km wide.

A common misconception is that natural wildfires are the most important driver for deforestation of these areas. Even though they can sometimes have the biggest effect in one given year across all forests, on a continental scale human intervention is the biggest cause of deforestation, because it creeps further at a steady pace, year after year after year and with the land not being allowed to regrow naturally. Human deforestation is in itself often a cause for wildfires.

As you can see, for any pattern shown a lot can disappear in just 1 year. Imagine you multiply this x20 years. That is how fast entire ecosystems are disappearing. Many of the forests that were indicated as ‘too remote to destroy’ in the early 90s are already gone today. Remoteness does not at all mean these places are safe.

I’m just one of many people who lost a close relative to cancer, and sadly going through these maps on a frequent basis gives me the vibes of watching cancer evolve on a planetary scale and through the different stages. I am aware this is hard language, but I believe it is sometimes necessary.

L: Brazil Gradual Deforestation in advanced stages, R: Brazil complete deforestation contrasting with complete conservation

L: Brazil seasonal river access logging, R: Bolivia, logging roads

Our continued optimism at Forestbase comes from the belief that we can still turn the tide by treating nature more like key Infrastructure Assets. It’s the best way to give nature a much stronger position against the extractive activities and industries. Because in the end, for every hectare you see below, there is a business case competition going on. That is by and large what drives the patterns below.

And the good news is, in many of these places nature can already win this financial competition today. So why hesitate? Natural Infrastructure is the way forward!